Only the YouTube channel owner or administrator should create a Viewtrender account.
If you are the owner/administrator create an account to get started.
Go to the Chrome Extension Store and install the Viewtrender DataSync Chrome Extension.
Once you've created an account, you'll be logged into the dashboard. You will see a prompt for you to go to Studio and add a channel.
In Studio click the DataSync tab at the top of the popup window and add the channel.
You'll need an active license for the channel in order to generate API tokens for your Data Engineering or Developer teams.
API keys are meant to be user or application specific. Limit the permission grants based on the needs of the engineer, 3rd party analyst or BI dashboard.
To get started select the licensed channel from your account dashboard and click the API keys link in the left menu
Name the API key and select the appropriate permission scopes, then click Generate API Key
For example if I were generating an API key for Darrel Eve's, so he could have access to my traffic sources to do an analysis. I'd name my API key darreleves and check only the trafficsource:read
Once you have an API key you can access the channel and video resources for you channel and library. The access will be limited based on the permission scopes you define to ensure your data is secure.
You can revoke API keys at anytime by clicking the revoke button next to the API token's name.
They API key is required for every resource call. You can pass it as a GET key pair variable key=... or via authentication header
GET VariableGET[CHANNEL_ID]/[RESOURCE]?key=1/a0s9jasd0jaspodia0sd9jf0a9sjdf
HeaderAuthorization: Bearer 1/a0s9jasd0jaspodia0sd9jf0a9sjdf
Dates are required for every resource call. You can request a single date.
Single dateGET[CHANNEL_ID]/[RESOURCE]?key=[API_KEY]&date=2025-01-24
Date rangeGET[CHANNEL_ID]/[RESOURCE]?key=[API_KEY]&from=2024-12-25&to=2025-01-24
All channel resources have a templated response. See example below
"info_card_clicks": 0,
"info_card_impressions": 0,
"info_card_click_rate": "0.00",
"info_card_teaser_clicks": 0,
"info_card_teaser_impressions": 8,
"info_card_teaser_click_rate": "0.00",
"date": "2023-01-01"
"meta": {
"label":"« Previous",
"label":"Next »","active":false
"channel": {
data: [{
info_card_clicks: int,
info_card_impressions: int,
info_card_click_rate: string|double,
info_card_teaser_clicks: int,
info_card_teaser_impressions: int,
info_card_teaser_click_rate: string|double,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
endscreen_element_click_rate: string|double,
endscreen_element_clicks: int,
endscreen_element_impressions: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
subscribers_gained: int,
subscribers_lost: int,
ratings_likes: int,
ratings_dislikes: int,
likes_per_likes_plus_dislikes_percent: string|double,
sharings: int,
comments: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
watch_time: int,
views: int,
average_watch_time: int,
average_watch_percentage: string|double,
subscribers_net_change: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
youtube_red_views: int,
youtube_red_watch_time: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
video_thumbnail_impressions: int,
video_thumbnail_impressions_vtr: string|double,
shorts_feed_impressions: int,
shorts_feed_impressions_vtr: string|double,
estimated_unique_viewers: int,
average_views_per_viewer: string|double,
new_viewers: int,
returning_viewers: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
total_estimated_earnings: string|double,
ad_earnings: string|double,
playbacks: int,
impressions_cpm: string|double,
earnings_per_thousand_views: string|double,
cpm: string|double,
impressions: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
"source": "[TRAFFIC_SOURCE]",
"views": int,
"youtube_red_views": int,
"watch_time": int,
"youtube_red_watch_time": int,
"average_watch_time": int,
"average_watch_percentage": string|double,
"video_thumbnail_impressions": int,
"video_thumbnail_impressions_vtr": string|double,
"shorts_feed_impressions": int,
"shorts_feed_impressions_vtr": string|double,
"date": 2025-01-24
They API key is required for every resource call. You can pass it as a GET key pair variable key=... or via authentication header
GET VariableGET[CHANNEL_ID]/video/[VIDEO_ID]/[RESOURCE]?key=1/a0s9jasd0jaspodia0sd9jf0a9sjdf
HeaderAuthorization: Bearer 1/a0s9jasd0jaspodia0sd9jf0a9sjdf
Dates are required for every resource call. You can request a single date.
Single dateGET[CHANNEL_ID]/video/[VIDEO_ID]/[RESOURCE]?key=[API_KEY]&date=2025-01-24
Date rangeGET[CHANNEL_ID]/video/[VIDEO_ID]/[RESOURCE]?key=[API_KEY]&from=2024-12-25&to=2025-01-24
All channel resources have a templated response. See example below
"data": [
"video_thumbnail_impressions": 18,
"video_thumbnail_impressions_vtr": "11.11",
"estimated_unique_viewers": 3,
"average_views_per_viewer": "1.33",
"new_viewers": "0.00",
"returning_viewers": "0.00",
"date": "2023-01-01"
"links": {
"first": "",
"last": "",
"prev": null,
"next": null
"meta": {
"current_page": 1,
"from": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"links": [
"url": null,
"label": "« Previous",
"active": false
"url": "",
"label": "1",
"active": true
"url": null,
"label": "Next »",
"active": false
"path": "",
"per_page": 50,
"to": 1,
"total": 1,
"channel": {
"id": "UC0000000000000000000000",
"title": "Channel Title"
"dates": {
"from": "2023-01-01",
"to": "2023-01-01"
"video": {
"id": "VIDEO_ID",
"title": "Some Video Title",
"privacy": "public",
"made for kids": 0
data: [{
info_card_clicks: int,
info_card_impressions: int,
info_card_click_rate: string|double,
info_card_teaser_clicks: int,
info_card_teaser_impressions: int,
info_card_teaser_click_rate: string|double,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
endscreen_element_click_rate: string|double,
endscreen_element_clicks: int,
endscreen_element_impressions: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
subscribers_gained: int,
subscribers_lost: int,
ratings_likes: int,
ratings_dislikes: int,
likes_per_likes_plus_dislikes_percent: string|double,
sharings: int,
comments: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
watch_time: int,
views: int,
average_watch_time: int,
average_watch_percentage: string|double,
subscribers_net_change: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
youtube_red_views: int,
youtube_red_watch_time: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
video_thumbnail_impressions: int,
video_thumbnail_impressions_vtr: string|double,
shorts_feed_impressions: int,
shorts_feed_impressions_vtr: string|double,
estimated_unique_viewers: int,
average_views_per_viewer: string|double,
new_viewers: int,
returning_viewers: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
total_estimated_earnings: string|double,
ad_earnings: string|double,
playbacks: int,
impressions_cpm: string|double,
earnings_per_thousand_views: string|double,
cpm: string|double,
impressions: int,
date: "2025-01-24"
data: [{
"source": "[TRAFFIC_SOURCE]",
"views": int,
"youtube_red_views": int,
"watch_time": int,
"youtube_red_watch_time": int,
"average_watch_time": int,
"average_watch_percentage": string|double,
"video_thumbnail_impressions": int,
"video_thumbnail_impressions_vtr": string|double,
"date": 2025-01-24